Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to invite your participation in next year’s Rocky Mountain EPR Symposium, July 22-27, 2018. In addition to several vibrant and exciting sessions, we will be located at the Snowbird Resort & Conference Center in Snowbird, Utah. This location will provide a gorgeous setting in the beautiful Wasatch Range of the Rocky Mountains.
Snowbird features shops, restaurants, on-site activities and nearby activities to enhance your experience. The area is very family friendly offering options for individuals of all ages and genders. Access is about a 30 minute ride (via rental car, taxi or ground shuttle services) from Salt Lake International Airport (SLC). Accommodations feature traditional hotel-style rooms and condo-style units for individuals, families and large groups, all within walking distance of the conference center. For most days, the program will be structured to allow an opportunity for you to explore the wonders of the Little Cottonwood Canyon area.
Please bookmark this page as we will be updating it over the next few months. We look forward to seeing you next summer.
Stefan Stoll (Chair) and Susumu Takahashi (Co-Chair) 2018 EPR Symposium
Schedule Overview:
Sunday, July 22 – Bruker North American EPR Users’ Meeting
Monday, July 23 – Oral presentations, Posters & Conference Reception
Tuesday, July 24 – Oral presentations & Posters
Wednesday, July 25 – Oral presentations, Posters, Conference Banquet & Awards Ceremony
Thursday, July 26 – Oral presentations & Posters (ends at noon); Software Tools for EPR Spectroscopy Workshop (starts at 1:30pm)
Friday, July 27 – Software Tools for EPR Spectroscopy Workshop (ends at noon)
Jean-Philippe Ansermet (EPFL)
Audrey Bienfait (University of Chicago)
David Cafiso (University of Virginia)
Sudha Chakrapani (Case Western Reserve University)
Martyna Elas (Jagellonian University Krakow)
Greg Fuchs (Cornell University)
Fedor Jelezko (University of Ulm)
Gunnar Jeschke (ETH Zurich)
Hassane Mchaourab (Vanderbilt)
Glenn Millhauser (University of California Santa Cruz)
Roberta Sessoli (University of Florence)
Mark Sherwin (University of California Santa Barbara)
Alex Smirnov (North Carolina State University)
Christiane Timmel (University of Oxford)
Mark Tseytlin (West Virginia University)
Floriana Tuna (University of Manchester)
Software Tools for EPR Spectroscopy – Capabilities and Demonstrations
Christian Altenbach (UCLA) – LongDistances/ShortDistances
David Budil (Northeastern University) – NLSL
Boris Epel (University of Chicago) – specman4epr
Peter Fajer (Florida State University) – DEFit, CwDipfit
Gregor Hagelueken (University of Bonn) – mtsslSuite
Eric Hustedt (Vanderbilt) – DD/GLADD
Gunnar Jeschke (ETH Zurich) – DeerAnalysis 2018
Gunnar Jeschke (ETH Zurich) – MMM 2018
Ilya Kuprov (University of Southampton) – Spinach
Kalina Ranguelova & Ralph Weber (Bruker) – SpinFit
Madhur Srivastava (Cornell University, ACERT) – Wavelet Denoising
Stefan Stoll (University of Washington) – EasySpin
Scientific Committee:
Stefan Stoll (University of Washington) – Chair
Susumu Takahashi (University of Southern California) – Co-Chair 2018, Chair 2019
Ania Bleszynski-Jayich (University of California Santa Barbara)
Christoph Boehme (University of Utah)
Enrica Bordignon (Ruhr University Bochum)
Boris Epel (University of Chicago)
Gail Fanucci (University of Florida)
Songi Han (University of California Santa Barbara)
Stephen Hill (Florida State University, NHMFL)
Dane McCamey (University of New South Wales)
John McCracken (Michigan State University)
Cryogenic Limited
Element Six
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Signals GmbH & Co. KG
Virginia Diodes, Inc.